Identity Management: Why it is Important in Today’s Digital Era
What is a digital identity?
A digital identity is essentially a collection of information about a particular individual or organization and is present online. Digital identity is created originally by the use of personal information on any online platform on the web or by shadow data which is generated by an individual’s online activity. User name, password, browser history, social media posts and pictures, and online transactions are some of the sources of digital identity.
Digital identities are relatively new to the world, and the awareness regarding it has been increasing gradually in today’s digital era. The most important aspect of a digital identity is that it is permanent and almost impossible to remove it entirely. Although it can be minimized by reducing certain online activities which are non-essential, it is impossible to completely avoid it considering the rise of digitalization in today’s world.

Identity Management: Why it is Important in Today’s Digital Era
Keeping this in mind, it is important to understand the importance of maintaining a safe digital identity since it is not possible to avoid it altogether. Many tech innovators like Vancouver based Thierry Levasseur are working hard to improve today’s e-mail communications security and functionality. Thierry Levasseur Vancouver is a proven innovator of Web-based communications strategies and solutions, with a number of patents to his credit that have provided the basis for several new business ventures.
Importance of digital identity maintenance:
Identity management is a framework of technologies that ensure that the right people in any enterprise or organization has access to the required data. It is extremely important due to several reasons, some of which are-
Improved user experience:
Maintenance of a proper digital identity makes the user experience better by enabling them to log in automatically without entering the password again and again. The users no longer need to remember a series of passwords for different sites.
Enhanced security of various profiles and online accounts:
Although identity management can help the users to log in automatically, does not mean that the security is compromised in any way. They maintain high levels of security, in order to avoid any fraud. The systems can authenticate the users based on their access levels.
Simple auditing and reporting of data:
The user identities and passwords are used by the companies to audit where and when the user credentials are being used. In cases where the user data is compromised, identity management helps the servers to locate the breach and the individual whose identity and digital data has been breached.
Easy access to the users no matter where they are located:
With the advent of digital identity and management, it has become possible for the users to get access to their accounts no matter where they are physically located. This feature is useful mostly for global brands that operate throughout the world in various countries and provide access to their clients, users, and staff all across.
Increased overall productivity:
The various identity management tools not only help the users to access information in all physical locations but also help in conducting extensive audits while also accessing various policies and rules to completely automate identity across all enterprises.
All these factors make it extremely important to have proper identity management in today’s era where digitalization is occurring at a fast rate, slowly taking every aspect of a person’s life online.